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» The Importances of Learning Javanese Language Politeness for Young Learners
The Importances of Learning Javanese Language Politeness for Young Learners
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Posted on 06.23
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This article is very interesting one because this article is concerned with the importances of learning javanese language politeness which is rare to be got attention by many people. It seems challenges for writer to dig up some efforts to maintain Javanese language politeness in people living and the importances of it. This article deals with the general focus that is put on learning javanese language politeness by Young Learners. Young learner is the youth generation of Indonesia so Learning Javanese Language Politeness since children will help they more wise in speaking their regional language.
Language is very important in people’s life. Language has big role as means of communication. It conducts communication between human. The effects of language are remarkable, and include much of what distinguishes man from the animals. From the statement above, it can be concluded that people need language very much. Language can be used a device to deliver message.
Indonesian language has many regional language, one of them is Javanese language. Javanese language has many roles. There are kinds of javanese language which are used in different occasions. Unfortunately, many playgroups do not give the material about Javanese language. Those institutions prefer to choose English or other foreign language to be taught for their students. There are some reasons that are delivered relating to that situation. One of the reason is “English is very important in Globalization Era”. Actually it is right reason but they do not consider about the benefit in giving material about Javanese language politeness as their regional language.
The language politeness is an important part of language for those speaking Javanese language. Somebody is considered good in language when she/he is able to apply the language politeness appropriately. Learning Javanese Language Politeness since children will help someone more wise in speaking their regional language. However, many people think that studying regional language is not important, they consider that there is no benefit of it, whereas there are alot of benefit which can be got from studying regional language especially the Regional Language Politeness for everyday life.
Louise Baird mentions negative assumption of society about Regional Language. First, Regional language is something which is ancient and coming from the past. Second, Regional language is useless outside its borders. Third, Regional language is language of the poor and uneducated. Forth, Regional language hinders learning process and be smart. Fifth, Regional language hinders the advancement. Sixth, Regional Language is a symbol of backwardness. And the last, Regional Language is not prestigious.
According to the fact which happen in the society recently, it is interesting to give question. Is the Globalization Era which is covered by big changes and technology advancement still relevant in developing Javanese Language Politeness? if the answer is positive, How could it be? Actually the writer still have many more questions that relate with that problems. That’s why this problem must be written.
A regional language is a language spoken in an area of a nation state, whether it be a small area, a federal state or province, or some wider area.(www.wikipedia.com).
Javanese language is one of the Regional Language in Indonesia. Javanese language is known with three language stratifications, they are krama inggil, krama madya, and ngoko. Ngoko is the lowest level and it is used for communicate to someone of the same status, of the same age, or the lower status, such as close friends or younger people, Krama madya is the middle level and it is used when addressing a second person who is fairly respected for example for a new acquainted. Krama inggil is the highest level and it is used for communicate with a second person or talking about third person who is highly respected, such as teachers, parents, grandparents, etc.
There are three main groups of Javanese dialects based on the subregion where the speakers live. They are: Eastern Javanese, Central Javanese and Western Javanese. The differences between these dialectical groups are primarily pronunciation and at the lower level is vocabulary.
Javanese language politeness is a language system which is based on the interactions of the speakers (Kridalaksana, 1992:10). In sociolinguistics, language politeness is included in the fungsiolek register, a register which deals with the formality of the Javanese language use (Nababan, 1996: 14). The politeness is in two forms, krama and ngoko. From the Javanese diglocia perspective, the higher level variation is krama, and the lower one is ngoko (Hudson, 1980: 53). Between krama and ngoko, there is madya, a high register which changes, by the informalising process, from the formal register to the informal one.
From historical tracing, there are various kinds of Javanese language politeness. They are:
According to a book entitled Karti Basa (The Ministry of Education, Teaching, and Culture of Indonesian Republic, 1946: 64-87), the politeness consists of seven kinds:
a. Ngoko:
1) Ngoko lugu
2) Ngoko andhap
a) Antya Basa
b) Basa Antya
b. Madya:
1) Madya ngoko
2) Madyantara
3) Madya krama
c. Krama:
1) Mudha krama
2) Kramantara
3) Wredha krama
d. Krama inggil
e. Basa Kedhaton
f. Krama desa
g. Basa Kasar
According to the research by Soepomo Poedjosoedarmo and friends at 1979 (Poedjosoedarmo, 1979: 13), the Javanese language politeness can be seen as follows:
a. Krama:
1) Mudha krama
2) Kramantara (rarely used)
3) Wredhakrama (rarely used)
b. Madya:
1) Madya krama
2) Madyantara
3) Madya ngoko
c. Ngoko:
1) Basa antya
2) Antya basa
3) Ngoko lugu
After the concept of regional language and javanese language, now we talk about the characteristic of young learners.
Young learners mean children from the first year of formal schooling (5 or 6 year old) to eleven or twelve year age. Young Learners are the youth generation of Indonesia. They are determinat of the advancenment of Indonesia. Young learners have own special characteristics that distinguish them from adult learners.. In relation to this, Halliwel (1992: 3-5) clarifies the characteristics of children;
1. Children are already very good in interpreting meaning without necessarily understanding the individual word.
2. Children already have great skill in using limited language creativity.
3. Children frequently learn indirectly rather than directly.
4. Children take good pleasure in finding and creating fun in what they do.
5. Children have a ready imagination, children words are full of imagination and fantasy, and it is more than simply matter of enjoyment.
The characteristic of young learners mentioned by Clark (1990: 6-8):
a. Children are developing conceptually: they develop their way of thinking from the concrete to the abstract thing.
b. Children have no real linguistics, different from the adult learners that already have certain purpose in learning language, for instances, to have a better job, children rarely have such needs in learning a foreign language. They learn subject what school provide for them.
c. Children are still developing; they are developing common skill such as turn talking and the use of body language.
d. Young children very egocentric, they tend to resolve around themselves.
e. Children get bored easily. Children have no choice to attend school. The lack of the choice means that class activities need to be fun interesting and exciting as possible by setting up the interesting activities.
Javanese has many cultures. It is not only in variety of languages but also the kinds of traditional dance, song, and clothes. In this article, the writer just focus on Javanese Language, especially learning Javanese Language Politeness and understand about the importances of it. it is written because of the fear of extinction in Regional Language and it’s culture.
There is no one who maintain Regional Language except the citizen of that region. Citizen has the obligation to keep the existence of their Regional Language through several ways. If that citizen do not want to use Javanese language in their communication, then who wants to save that language? Most of teenagers of this Era have not known deeply about variety of Javanese Language and the usage based on condition even the Politeness which is useful for the life.
As the writer wrote before, there are kinds of Javanese Language which is used in particular situation, for example Kromo Inggil is used for children to communicate with older people, especially for their parents or their children. However, the fact that many children do not care about those roles and choose to use Ngoko to speak with their parents and use Indonesian Language to speak with the teacher.
Young Learners are the youth generation of Indonesia. They have right to get good knowledge about Javanese Language Politeness because they must be able to applicate their ability in sociaty when they are adult. The teacher or the parents must be creative to teach them, because as we all know that young learners are easy to get bored so the material about language must be creative and te core of this material can be delivered well.
Before we are going to discuss about the importances of learning Javanese Language Politeness, now it will be better to let you know how to maintain Javanese Language Politeness first.
a. The use of Javanese Language in family
Familiy is the place which is to be the first place for the children to get knowledge about language. Therefore, as the first place, family must try hard to make Javanese Language as the language spoken by the members of family.
Actually, Children must be familiar with Javanese language since their childhood. So, they used to speak Javanese Langauge in their home. Children to parents must speak krama alus, while parents to children speak ngoko alus. If this condition happens in family, the habit of speaking based on level of politeness will also be applied in other places. In addition, when the children have a socialization with society, they will have a habit of speaking Javanese language appropriately. Hence, the children will exist in society.
b. The use of Javanese language in society
Interaction or communication in Javanese society must be done by Javanese language. The forms of politeness used are appropriate with the levels. For example, the interaction between parents to those who are younger or to those who are the same age uses ngoko and ngoko alus (depending on the speaker , partner of the talk, and the person who is the object of the talk ). Communication between young people to the older people must use krama or krama alus (depending on the speaker, the partner of the talk, and the person who is the object of the talk).
c. Courage to speak in Javanese language
In this Era, there are many young learners or teenagers who are not brave enough to speak in Javanese language because they are afraid of committing mistake particularly afraid of using krama inggil. This is our concern. Moreover, the old generation very concern on the condition. They often feel that the young generation’s Javanese language is getting worse.
Those are several efforts to maintain the Javanese Language Politeness. The efforts are done in order that Javanese Language Politeness can be aplicated by people in right way. All of efforts which are mentioned above is very important. The importances in learning Javanese Language Politeness are:
1. People living needs to respect each other.
Indonesian people is friendly. This is the statement which is familiar because foreign people know Indonesian citizen as the frendly people. In fact, politeness are expensive things now. As a human, we must keep good relationship with the other people because we can life without the others. The one of the ways to keep relationship between a man with the other is speaking politely. Politeness is needed very much to show our respect to the other people. So, the studying of Javanese Language Politeness is very important.
2. To internalize the sense of respecting others, in Javanese community.
Sense of respecting others must be belonged by every people. It is done in order that there is a harmony in society. Indonesian people shoul be the great society in the world because our language teach harmony . Javanese language politeness is very useful to show our identity as Indonesian people who are humble and respctful.
3. Developing students potential to be have good attitude.
As we discuss before that studying Javanese language Politeness is very important. We can not deny this because the ability in speking javanese language politeness can influence the behaviour of children. They will keep their attitude automatically, when they keep their spoken.
Javanese people have obligation to maintain Javanese Language as their regional language. They must teach their children to speak javanese language politely. It is done because as young learners, children will get obligation to develop and maintain the regional language. Beside that, the children will grow up to be adult and socialize with the society so they must be able in speaking javanese language well and based roles.
Language politeness constitutes a significant part for those speaking in Javanese language. A person will be regarded good in language if he/she is able apply the language politeness correctly. Those making mistake in applying the language politeness will be judged as people who are impolite.
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